Intravenous Vitamin Therapy – questions answered

What is a Myers’ Cocktail and what does it treat?

Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy, known as “Myers’ Cocktail” is a common therapeutic tool that naturopathic doctors have used for over 50 years. Involving the direct infusion of vitamins and minerals into the circulatory system to treat conditions such as asthma, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, colds and flus, seasonal allergies, and sinusitis. It is also used as a therapy to support and maintain health.

How is a Myers’ Cocktail administered?

Myers’ injections are  easily administered in either a “push” which uses a syringe containing the vitamin mixture with either sterile water or saline added, or in a “bag/drip” which often contains higher amounts of the vitamins diluted in an IV bag of sterile water or saline. The “push” is administered over 5-15 minutes and the “bag/drip” usually takes approximately 30-45 minutes. The injections themselves are often quite relaxing as they contain magnesium which helps to relax muscles. A Myers’ injection may include the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • B vitamin complex
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium

Why add nutrients via IV therapy versus oral supplementation?

Oral supplementation is valid and often necessary, but IV nutrients don’t rely on the digestive function and absorption and take less time to achieve a therapeutic benefit. For example, high doses of oral vitamin C will likely cause loose stools and serum levels that are sufficient to be antiviral cannot be achieved, whereas IV vitamin C does not result in loose stools nor is absorption impaired.

How often are Myers’ Cocktails recommended?

Depending on the condition being addressed, Myers’ are most commonly used as a weekly injection for 1 month or more. Alternatively, it can be done once a month to support immune function and prevent colds and flus. Most people do not require IV vitamins for regular long-term usage unless there is a condition or disease process which requires higher levels of nutrients that cannot be obtained through oral therapy.

Are there any side effects?

The injection of nutrients is painless and has minimal risk involved. Redness and irritation of the vein at the site of injection is the most common side effect, and resolves shortly after the injection. Low blood pressure or light-headedness may also be experienced during or after the injection but this usually resolves after 5-10 minutes. Communicating with your naturopathic doctor about your experience is important as adjustments can be made to amounts and types of vitamins and frequency of injections.

Vitamins whether oral or IV do not take the place of a whole foods, nutrient dense diet and regular activity levels. Discuss with your naturopathic doctor whether Myers’ IV injections are appropriate for you.

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